
  1. Basic Latin
  2. Latin-1 Supplement
  3. Latin Extended-A
  4. Latin Extended-B
  5. IPA Extensions
  6. Spacing Modifier Letters
  7. Combining Diacritical Marks
  8. Greek and Coptic
  9. Cyrillic
  10. Cyrillic Supplement
  11. Armenian
  12. Hebrew
  13. Arabic
  14. Syriac
  15. Arabic Supplement
  16. Thaana
  17. NKo
  18. Samaritan
  19. Mandaic
  20. Syriac Supplement
  21. Arabic Extended-A
  22. Devanagari
  23. Bengali
  24. Gurmukhi
  25. Gujarati
  26. Oriya
  27. Tamil
  28. Telugu
  29. Kannada
  30. Malayalam
  31. Sinhala
  32. Thai
  33. Lao
  34. Tibetan
  35. Myanmar
  36. Georgian
  37. Hangul Jamo
  38. Ethiopic
  39. Ethiopic Supplement
  40. Cherokee
  41. Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
  42. Ogham
  43. Runic
  44. Tagalog
  45. Hanunoo
  46. Buhid
  47. Tagbanwa
  48. Khmer
  49. Mongolian
  50. Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended
  51. Limbu
  52. Tai Le
  53. New Tai Lue
  54. Khmer Symbols
  55. Buginese
  56. Tai Tham
  57. Combining Diacritical Marks Extended
  58. Balinese
  59. Sundanese
  60. Batak
  61. Lepcha
  62. Ol Chiki
  63. Cyrillic Extended-C
  64. Sundanese Supplement
  65. Vedic Extensions
  66. Phonetic Extensions
  67. Phonetic Extensions Supplement
  68. Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
  69. Latin Extended Additional
  70. Greek Extended
  71. General Punctuation
  72. Superscripts and Subscripts
  73. Currency Symbols
  74. Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
  75. Letterlike Symbols
  76. Number Forms
  77. Arrows
  78. Mathematical Operators
  79. Miscellaneous Technical
  80. Control Pictures
  81. Optical Character Recognition
  82. Enclosed Alphanumerics
  83. Box Drawing
  84. Block Elements
  85. Geometric Shapes
  86. Miscellaneous Symbols
  87. Dingbats
  88. Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
  89. Supplemental Arrows-A
  90. Braille Patterns
  91. Supplemental Arrows-B
  92. Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
  93. Supplemental Mathematical Operators
  94. Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
  95. Glagolitic
  96. Latin Extended-C
  97. Coptic
  98. Georgian Supplement
  99. Tifinagh
  100. Ethiopic Extended
  101. Cyrillic Extended-A
  102. Supplemental Punctuation
  103. CJK Radicals Supplement
  104. Kangxi Radicals
  105. Ideographic Description Characters
  106. CJK Symbols and Punctuation
  107. Hiragana
  108. Katakana
  109. Bopomofo
  110. Hangul Compatibility Jamo
  111. Kanbun
  112. Bopomofo Extended
  113. CJK Strokes
  114. Katakana Phonetic Extensions
  115. Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
  116. CJK Compatibility
  117. CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
  118. Yijing Hexagram Symbols
  119. CJK Unified Ideographs
  120. Yi Syllables
  121. Yi Radicals
  122. Lisu
  123. Vai
  124. Cyrillic Extended-B
  125. Bamum
  126. Modifier Tone Letters
  127. Latin Extended-D
  128. Syloti Nagri
  129. Common Indic Number Forms
  130. Phags-pa
  131. Saurashtra
  132. Devanagari Extended
  133. Kayah Li
  134. Rejang
  135. Hangul Jamo Extended-A
  136. Javanese
  137. Myanmar Extended-B
  138. Cham
  139. Myanmar Extended-A
  140. Tai Viet
  141. Meetei Mayek Extensions
  142. Ethiopic Extended-A
  143. Latin Extended-E
  144. Cherokee Supplement
  145. Meetei Mayek
  146. Hangul Syllables
  147. Hangul Jamo Extended-B
  148. High Surrogates
  149. High Private Use Surrogates
  150. Low Surrogates
  151. Private Use Area
  152. CJK Compatibility Ideographs
  153. Alphabetic Presentation Forms
  154. Arabic Presentation Forms-A
  155. Variation Selectors
  156. Vertical Forms
  157. Combining Half Marks
  158. CJK Compatibility Forms
  159. Small Form Variants
  160. Arabic Presentation Forms-B
  161. Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
  162. Specials
  163. Linear B Syllabary
  164. Linear B Ideograms
  165. Aegean Numbers
  166. Ancient Greek Numbers
  167. Ancient Symbols
  168. Phaistos Disc
  169. Lycian
  170. Carian
  171. Coptic Epact Numbers
  172. Old Italic
  173. Gothic
  174. Old Permic
  175. Ugaritic
  176. Old Persian
  177. Deseret
  178. Shavian
  179. Osmanya
  180. Osage
  181. Elbasan
  182. Caucasian Albanian
  183. Linear A
  184. Cypriot Syllabary
  185. Imperial Aramaic
  186. Palmyrene
  187. Nabataean
  188. Hatran
  189. Phoenician
  190. Lydian
  191. Meroitic Hieroglyphs
  192. Meroitic Cursive
  193. Kharoshthi
  194. Old South Arabian
  195. Old North Arabian
  196. Manichaean
  197. Avestan
  198. Inscriptional Parthian
  199. Inscriptional Pahlavi
  200. Psalter Pahlavi
  201. Old Turkic
  202. Old Hungarian
  203. Rumi Numeral Symbols
  204. Brahmi
  205. Kaithi
  206. Sora Sompeng
  207. Chakma
  208. Mahajani
  209. Sharada
  210. Sinhala Archaic Numbers
  211. Khojki
  212. Multani
  213. Khudawadi
  214. Grantha
  215. Newa
  216. Tirhuta
  217. Siddham
  218. Modi
  219. Mongolian Supplement
  220. Takri
  221. Ahom
  222. Warang Citi
  223. Zanabazar Square
  224. Soyombo
  225. Pau Cin Hau
  226. Bhaiksuki
  227. Marchen
  228. Masaram Gondi
  229. Cuneiform
  230. Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation
  231. Early Dynastic Cuneiform
  232. Egyptian Hieroglyphs
  233. Anatolian Hieroglyphs
  234. Bamum Supplement
  235. Mro
  236. Bassa Vah
  237. Pahawh Hmong
  238. Miao
  239. Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation
  240. Tangut
  241. Tangut Components
  242. Kana Supplement
  243. Kana Extended-A
  244. Nushu
  245. Duployan
  246. Shorthand Format Controls
  247. Byzantine Musical Symbols
  248. Musical Symbols
  249. Ancient Greek Musical Notation
  250. Tai Xuan Jing Symbols
  251. Counting Rod Numerals
  252. Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
  253. Sutton SignWriting
  254. Glagolitic Supplement
  255. Mende Kikakui
  256. Adlam
  257. Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
  258. Mahjong Tiles
  259. Domino Tiles
  260. Playing Cards
  261. Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
  262. Enclosed Ideographic Supplement
  263. Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
  264. Emoticons
  265. Ornamental Dingbats
  266. Transport and Map Symbols
  267. Alchemical Symbols
  268. Geometric Shapes Extended
  269. Supplemental Arrows-C
  270. Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs
  271. CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
  272. CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
  273. CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D
  274. CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
  275. CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F
  276. CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
  277. Tags
  278. Variation Selectors Supplement
  279. Supplementary Private Use Area-A
  280. Supplementary Private Use Area-B